Successful Women in Ag Programs

We Found a Program: Now What?

Working with national project project the Women in Ag team from Iowa State University created a catalog of more than 40 educational programs from across the United States that might benefit beginning farm and ranch women, collecting and analyzing existing evaluation results from some of these programs. In this presentation from the 2019 Women in Ag Programs for 21st Century Farms and Ranches Virtual Conferencethe team shares common themes and topics of successful educational programs.

One of the themes is the importance of networking and connecting with other farm and ranch women. The presentation also discusses successes, gaps and recommendations of the evaluation results we studied. Evaluation results provided by others can help you choose new programs, improve your current programs, and plan your own evaluation processes.  

Presenters:  Arlene de la Mora, Cori Hyde, and Madeline Schultz, Iowa State University.

Additional Resources: Presentation slide set.